DAYTON HAMVENION: Michael Kalter, W8CI from the Dayton Amateur Radio Assn. reports on the forthcoming special Hamvention Weekend Activities reported via the Portage County Amateur Radio Service's RADIOGRAM.
"That magical weekend in May approaching.
"With no Hamvention this year, due to continuing Corona virus restrictions, we have been developing several activities to keep Hams busy and engaged in the hobby. We have a two day prize total of $15,000.
"On Thursday May 20, 2021 the Virtual Contest University will be held starting at 9 AM EDT 1300Z. The course outline will be available soon.
This will be a free event! Even if you are not a contester you will learn so much about Amateur Radio and hear the techniques and critiques of many of the world’s foremost Hams. Hamvention is a proud sponsor along with Icom and DX Engineering. Plan on attending this amazing free event! Several Icom radios will be given away during the all-day event.
You must be registered on Zoom and present online at the time of the drawing to win the radios. Please check for updates.
"On Friday May 21Starting at 11 AM EDT 1500Z we will have the 2021 Virtual Hamvention Forums. The Hamvention Virtual Forums celebrates the
2021 Hamvention Award winners. Each awardee will give a 45 minute presentation followed by Q&A. The Hamvention Forums will be presented via Zoom Webinar. Registration for the Zoom Webinar will start 30 days before the event –look for the registration information on the Hamvention Website. Several Icom radios will be given away during the
2021 Hamvention Forums. The winners will be selected at random. The winner must have registered on Zoom for Hamvention Forums and be present during the drawing to win. Drawing times are random throughout the Virtual Forums event. Thanks to Hamvention, Icom and DX Engineering for their support of the 2021 Hamvention Virtual Forums.
"Our presenters are: Technical Achievement: WX6SWW –Tamitha Mulligan Skov is well known as the “Space Weather Woman”. Folks that have seen her space weather forecasting show will freely admit that she is full of energy and excited about her work. She is a real space pioneer.
"Special Achievement: W3WL –Wesley Lamboley was nominated by his peers for his lifetime, high energy support for the science and art of amateur radio. Not only has Wesley supported youth coaching, membership recruiting and technical problem assistance, he always does it with a smile and great humor.
"Amateur of the Year: WP3R –Angel M. Vazquez is known for being one of the principal support engineers for what was one of the greatest antennas in the world –the National Science Foundation’s Arecibo parabolic dish antenna. Angel’s award stems from his unswerving and diligent support of amateur radio throughout the entire territory of Puerto Rico and extends worldwide.
"Club of the Year: K4HTA --The Vienna Wireless society was chosen this year for its 58 years of service to the amateur radio community. K4HTA, with its 280 members, focus on youth education, public service and promoting the overall growth of radio through the DC area and around the world.
"On Saturday May 22, Participate in the Hamvention QSO Party 8 AM to 8 PM EDST(1200 May 22 to 0000 May 23 UTC). W8BI, the club call of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association, will be a bonus station scored at 10 points per band and mode. Bands: 10M, 15M, 20M, 40M, 80M. Typical call will be: CQ CQ HVQP (Hamvention QSO Party) W8XX (Your call). Typical exchange will be signal report and first year you attended Hamvention; eg on CW: KB8XXX 599 1998 W4XX. If you have never attended Hamvention, please send 2021 in place of the year. Send your score (number of QSOs including bonus points) to within 5 days of the event.
You will be able to print a certificate after the contest."
- Michael Kalter W8CI, Hamvention Executive Committee, Dayton Amateur Radio Association.
Thanks Michael, we are glad that we can report that the Hamvention is continuing to innovate and develop new methods of keeping our interests high.
LOGBOOK OF THE WORLD: ARRL Plans an extensive upgrade to LoTW. As one of ARRL's most used benefits, LoTW has grown well beyond early expectations and HQ has now implemented a project to move it to a new level. This project is taking a good look at how LoTW is hosted, what innovations are needed, what additional awards can be supported and a host of other needs. As there is an expanding list of desired features, the project committee anticipates several months of effort to whittle the list to size and firm up the project scope.
KEEP THE DATE: The plans are approved for a GREAT LAKES DIVISION ARRL CONVENTION this year. DX Engineering will be hosting the event at their facility in Tallmadge, OH on August 7 in conjunction with their DXE Hamfest. Plans for special meetings and forums will be announced as soon as those events are confirmed.
SCOTT'S STUFF: Comments from your ARRL Vice Director Scott, N8SY.
Wow, another month has gone by so fast I can hardly believe it is April already, welcome to spring! I am still locked into Zoom meetings for the committees that I am on and it has been fascinating for sure. One item that our Public Relations Committee has been working hard on is the 2021 World Amateur Radio day. Here is the link where you can get all of the information about this wonderful event
By now I hope that everyone has heard that the $35 fee that the F.C.C. will eventually start charging will NOT happen on April 19th as was reported on a number of social media sites recently. It is expected to happen sometime later in the summer.
Are you seeing that Hamfests are starting back up again? Yes, the list of hamfests is growing very rapidly, so please take note of the new listings at the bottom of this newsletter. Dale does an excellent job of keeping this list updated.
I am very glad to see that in-person meetings are also starting to come back. I have already been to several club meetings this past month and I will be at my first Trunk-fest of the year over in Massillon Ohio come April 17th. Hopefully, we will get back to some sort of normal very soon.
Speaking of hamfests, are you ready for the DX Engineering / Great Lakes Division Convention coming August 7th? I know that the convention is 4 months away yet, but that will go by quickly. So, with that said I want you to be sure to get this event marked on your calendars now! That way you will have plenty of time to get the lawn mowed, bushes trimmed, the garage cleaned up and all of those “honey do’s” taken care of long before August 7th gets here.
Field Day is fast approaching (June 26/27). Is your club making plans to have Field Day this year? If they are, do not let them forget to get signed up on the Field Day locator . I have heard from several of the bigger clubs around, and it sounds like they are going to try to get back out into the field. Hey, if you can, meet with your local government officials and ask them for a Proclamation for Amateur Radio that weekend. Most local governments will be happy to do this and do not forget to invite the news media to be there as well. Great PR for everyone, and you get extra points for your efforts too!
That is going to do it from here. I do want to mention that am doing a lot of bicycle mobile lately. I would love to have a QSO with you. I am on DMR Talk Group 3139 most of the time. So, “GOTA” and have FUN!!!
--73, Scott Yonally N8SY, Vice Director, Great Lakes Division
HAMFESTING: Here is the current listing of Great Lakes Division ARRL Sanctioned hamfests for 2021. Please note that all are subject to change, so please stay current by checking the sponsoring club's web page before making your travel arrangements.
The numbers are growing, as more clubs are making their best efforts to return their hamfests to the calendar. It should also be noted that there may be some hamfests that have not applied to be ARRL Sanctioned.
As we have no way to accurately track that activity, we only list those that have been approved as ARRL Hamfests.
For the latest detail on regional hamfests, check the ARRL web page at:
2021 Great Lakes Div. ARRL Sanctioned Hamfest calendar:
5/15/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
5/20-22/2021 - Dayton Hamvention Virtual Sessions on-line
6/5/2021 - Fulton County, Wauseon, OH
6/5/2021 - IRA Hamfest, Hudsonville, MI
6/6/2021 - Chelsea Hamfest, Chelsea, MI
6/12/2021 - Luce Co Yooper Hamfest, Newberry, MI
6/19/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
6/20/2021 - Monroe Hamfest, Monroe, MI
7/10/2021 - Mansfield Mid Summer Trunkfest, Mansfield, OH
7/10/2021 - Cave City Hamfest - Cave City, KY
7/17/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
7/17/2021 - NOARS Fest, Elyria, OH
7/18/2021 - Van Wert Hamfest, Van Wert, OH
8/7/2021 - DX Engineering Hamfest & Great Lakes Div Convention, Tallmadge, OH
8/21/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
8/28/2021 - Cincinnati Hamfest, Cincinnati, OH
9/11/2021 - Greater Louisville, Shepherdsville, KY
9/18/2021 - Cadillac Hamfest, Cadillac, MI
9/18/2021 - Richmond Hamfest, Richmond, KY
9/18/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
9/19/2021 - Adrian Hamfest, Adrian, MI
9/26/2021 - Cleveland Hamfest, Berea, OH
10/25/2021 - USECA Hamfest, Madison Hgts, MI
12/4/2021 - Fulton Co Winterfest, Delta, OH
12/5/2021 - L'anse Creuse Swap, Madison Hgts, MI
If you club plans to request ARRL Hamfest Sanctioning, they should do so well in advance of the planned Hamfest date, as this allows adequate time for QST Listings. QST announcements require a 3 month lead time.
If a swap is cancelled or the date is going to change, please notify ARRL HQ. We work together with the HQ staff to verify all new date selections in the hope of mitigating date conflicts.
Be sure to invite your ARRL Officials as soon as your date is set. Things do require some advanced planning, especially under the current travel restrictions.
It should be noted that there has been a change in the way ARRL contributes to your ARRL sanctioned hamfest efforts. Please carefully read the e-mail from ARRL Headquarters confirming your sanctioning as IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT DETAILS REGARDING PRIZES.
73, Stay safe.
Light up those bands!
Dale Williams WA8EFK
Great Lakes Division
"Club of the Year: K4HTA --The Vienna Wireless society was chosen this year for its 58 years of service to the amateur radio community. K4HTA, with its 280 members, focus on youth education, public service and promoting the overall growth of radio through the DC area and around the world.
"On Saturday May 22, Participate in the Hamvention QSO Party 8 AM to 8 PM EDST(1200 May 22 to 0000 May 23 UTC). W8BI, the club call of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association, will be a bonus station scored at 10 points per band and mode. Bands: 10M, 15M, 20M, 40M, 80M. Typical call will be: CQ CQ HVQP (Hamvention QSO Party) W8XX (Your call). Typical exchange will be signal report and first year you attended Hamvention; eg on CW: KB8XXX 599 1998 W4XX. If you have never attended Hamvention, please send 2021 in place of the year. Send your score (number of QSOs including bonus points) to within 5 days of the event.
You will be able to print a certificate after the contest."
- Michael Kalter W8CI, Hamvention Executive Committee, Dayton Amateur Radio Association.
Thanks Michael, we are glad that we can report that the Hamvention is continuing to innovate and develop new methods of keeping our interests high.
LOGBOOK OF THE WORLD: ARRL Plans an extensive upgrade to LoTW. As one of ARRL's most used benefits, LoTW has grown well beyond early expectations and HQ has now implemented a project to move it to a new level. This project is taking a good look at how LoTW is hosted, what innovations are needed, what additional awards can be supported and a host of other needs. As there is an expanding list of desired features, the project committee anticipates several months of effort to whittle the list to size and firm up the project scope.
KEEP THE DATE: The plans are approved for a GREAT LAKES DIVISION ARRL CONVENTION this year. DX Engineering will be hosting the event at their facility in Tallmadge, OH on August 7 in conjunction with their DXE Hamfest. Plans for special meetings and forums will be announced as soon as those events are confirmed.
SCOTT'S STUFF: Comments from your ARRL Vice Director Scott, N8SY.
Wow, another month has gone by so fast I can hardly believe it is April already, welcome to spring! I am still locked into Zoom meetings for the committees that I am on and it has been fascinating for sure. One item that our Public Relations Committee has been working hard on is the 2021 World Amateur Radio day. Here is the link where you can get all of the information about this wonderful event
By now I hope that everyone has heard that the $35 fee that the F.C.C. will eventually start charging will NOT happen on April 19th as was reported on a number of social media sites recently. It is expected to happen sometime later in the summer.
Are you seeing that Hamfests are starting back up again? Yes, the list of hamfests is growing very rapidly, so please take note of the new listings at the bottom of this newsletter. Dale does an excellent job of keeping this list updated.
I am very glad to see that in-person meetings are also starting to come back. I have already been to several club meetings this past month and I will be at my first Trunk-fest of the year over in Massillon Ohio come April 17th. Hopefully, we will get back to some sort of normal very soon.
Speaking of hamfests, are you ready for the DX Engineering / Great Lakes Division Convention coming August 7th? I know that the convention is 4 months away yet, but that will go by quickly. So, with that said I want you to be sure to get this event marked on your calendars now! That way you will have plenty of time to get the lawn mowed, bushes trimmed, the garage cleaned up and all of those “honey do’s” taken care of long before August 7th gets here.
Field Day is fast approaching (June 26/27). Is your club making plans to have Field Day this year? If they are, do not let them forget to get signed up on the Field Day locator . I have heard from several of the bigger clubs around, and it sounds like they are going to try to get back out into the field. Hey, if you can, meet with your local government officials and ask them for a Proclamation for Amateur Radio that weekend. Most local governments will be happy to do this and do not forget to invite the news media to be there as well. Great PR for everyone, and you get extra points for your efforts too!
That is going to do it from here. I do want to mention that am doing a lot of bicycle mobile lately. I would love to have a QSO with you. I am on DMR Talk Group 3139 most of the time. So, “GOTA” and have FUN!!!
--73, Scott Yonally N8SY, Vice Director, Great Lakes Division
HAMFESTING: Here is the current listing of Great Lakes Division ARRL Sanctioned hamfests for 2021. Please note that all are subject to change, so please stay current by checking the sponsoring club's web page before making your travel arrangements.
The numbers are growing, as more clubs are making their best efforts to return their hamfests to the calendar. It should also be noted that there may be some hamfests that have not applied to be ARRL Sanctioned.
As we have no way to accurately track that activity, we only list those that have been approved as ARRL Hamfests.
For the latest detail on regional hamfests, check the ARRL web page at:
2021 Great Lakes Div. ARRL Sanctioned Hamfest calendar:
5/15/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
5/20-22/2021 - Dayton Hamvention Virtual Sessions on-line
6/5/2021 - Fulton County, Wauseon, OH
6/5/2021 - IRA Hamfest, Hudsonville, MI
6/6/2021 - Chelsea Hamfest, Chelsea, MI
6/12/2021 - Luce Co Yooper Hamfest, Newberry, MI
6/19/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
6/20/2021 - Monroe Hamfest, Monroe, MI
7/10/2021 - Mansfield Mid Summer Trunkfest, Mansfield, OH
7/10/2021 - Cave City Hamfest - Cave City, KY
7/17/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
7/17/2021 - NOARS Fest, Elyria, OH
7/18/2021 - Van Wert Hamfest, Van Wert, OH
8/7/2021 - DX Engineering Hamfest & Great Lakes Div Convention, Tallmadge, OH
8/21/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
8/28/2021 - Cincinnati Hamfest, Cincinnati, OH
9/11/2021 - Greater Louisville, Shepherdsville, KY
9/18/2021 - Cadillac Hamfest, Cadillac, MI
9/18/2021 - Richmond Hamfest, Richmond, KY
9/18/2021 - GMARC Trunkfest, Shelby Twp, MI
9/19/2021 - Adrian Hamfest, Adrian, MI
9/26/2021 - Cleveland Hamfest, Berea, OH
10/25/2021 - USECA Hamfest, Madison Hgts, MI
12/4/2021 - Fulton Co Winterfest, Delta, OH
12/5/2021 - L'anse Creuse Swap, Madison Hgts, MI
If you club plans to request ARRL Hamfest Sanctioning, they should do so well in advance of the planned Hamfest date, as this allows adequate time for QST Listings. QST announcements require a 3 month lead time.
If a swap is cancelled or the date is going to change, please notify ARRL HQ. We work together with the HQ staff to verify all new date selections in the hope of mitigating date conflicts.
Be sure to invite your ARRL Officials as soon as your date is set. Things do require some advanced planning, especially under the current travel restrictions.
It should be noted that there has been a change in the way ARRL contributes to your ARRL sanctioned hamfest efforts. Please carefully read the e-mail from ARRL Headquarters confirming your sanctioning as IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT DETAILS REGARDING PRIZES.
73, Stay safe.
Light up those bands!
Dale Williams WA8EFK
Great Lakes Division