Thursday, August 31, 2017

Dale's Tales for September - 2017

Greetings everyone, welcome to "Dale's Tales" for September 2017.

With the nominations now closed for the Great Lakes Division Awards, the Committee is now
reviewing the applications.  Thanks to so many for offering nominations for these awards.  Without doubt, the committee will have its job cut out for it as the selections are made from so many well-qualified individuals in Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan.  The following Division awards are under consideration:  George S. Wilson Lifetime Achievement Award; Technical Achievement Award; DX Achievement Award; Young Radio Amateur of the Year Award; and the Joseph J. Phillips, K8QOE, Newsletter Award.   The award presentations will be made at the Great Lakes Division Convention Banquet in conjunction with Great Lakes HamCon at Michigan International Speedway in Brooklyn, MI on October 7 & 8.

Speaking of that, the Great Lakes HamCon and the ARRL Great Lakes Division Convention will be
upon us in a month.   We are pleased that our selection of Forums will bring some top-notch events to the Convention.

On Saturday:

Opening Ribbon Cutting and Kickoff Session and ARRL Forum

Dan Romanchik KB6NU will present his Tech-in-a-Day License Class

The Ford Amateur Radio League will conduct FCC exams following the class

Marsha Fleming N8FE will host the gathering of the Young Ladies Radio League, the YLRL

South East Michigan DX Assn will host the DX Forum - Al K8SIX and Stan AC8W will moderate

The Ohio Section will host our Clubs Forum - Tom WB8LCD will be the moderator

The Mad River RC will host the Contesting Forum - Dave K8CC will moderate

Carl Leutzelschwab K9LA will conduct the forum on Radio Propagation

Joe Eisenburg K0NEB will host the forum Kit Building Techniques for Success

Tom Bosscher K8TB will conduct a forum on Fox Hunting, followed by an actual hunt on the MIS track infield

The Michigan QRP Club will host a forum on Operating QRP - Pete W8KS will moderate

Carole Perry WB2MGP will lead our 2017 Youth Forum

Yaesu will present a forum on their Fusion digital products - hosted by John Kruk N9UPC

In addition to all of these activities, Saturday's events will be followed by the ARRL Banquet featuring ARRL President Rick Roderick K5UR as the featured speaker.  Here will present the Divisions Awards and the banquet will be followed by an initiation for new members of the Royal Order of the Wouff Hong.

Sunday's activities includes these forums and events:

The Toledo Mobile RA will host a forum on operating from Museum Ships - Glenn W8MUK will moderate

Dan KB6NU will host the Forum on Operating CW.

ARES Forum hosted by the Division SECs

NTS Forum hosted by the STMs

Grand Prize Awards

The HamCon team really feels that a great cross-section of amateur radio activities is represented with this selection of forums and events.  The emphasis has been focused on learning activities, each session offering an insight to a particular facet of ham radio, ranging from sessions for new YLs, the latest in youth activities, plus information for both the new comer and the seasoned veteran.  You can stay up to date with the planned activities at:

TOM'S COMMENTS:  Comments from our Vice Director Tom Delaney W8WTD

We're all very aware of disasters this month as we watch the still-unfolding events in Texas.  It was interesting to check into a net last week and be asked "how well prepared are you to shelter in place for several days?"  The responses varied.  Some sounded quite ready, others not so much.  Those who didn't have enough preparation reluctantly agreed that perhaps they needed to do some more.  If you're one of those people, resources are available to help, such as ""

As a long-time Red Cross volunteer who has worked on disaster relief in a number of situations, and been in on even more planning exercises, I see the question for hams as having two parts.  First, of course, is keeping yourself and your family safe.  Some of that is just having the necessary items to either shelter in place or to evacuate to a place of safety when necessary.  And many of us have stand-by power for our radios, so we can communicate from home either for our own needs or for those around us.

The second part is what a lot of dedicated ARES volunteers do --be prepared to help others, whether in your local community or someplace farther away.  And for that, you need the various go-kits that we all put together.  I was thinking about how my own "go-kit" has evolved over the years.  I finally took out the phone wires and telephone that have been in there a long time.  And the roll of quarters for that pay phone that may have still been operational on a corner somewhere.  Don't laugh.  At one point, those were important.  So now we have new tools, but we need to keep up with the times.  An annual review of what is in there is probably very useful for each of us to stay ready.  Maybe at your next club meeting everyone could do a "show and tell" of go kits.
We always inspire each other to think about that one item we've overlooked.

Ham radio has always had a component of public service.  We each need to do our part to be ready when the time comes.

73, Tom W8WTD Vice Director, Great Lakes Division

HAMFESTING:  Here is the current Great Lakes Division ARRL Sanctioned Hamfest Schedule covering the remainder of the year.  These swaps have received their sanctioning approval from ARRL HQ at the time of this publication.  We have approximately 65 ARRL hamfests each year in the Division.  I do encourage each Hamfest Chair to register early for ARRL Sanctioning.  Be sure to invite your ARRL Officials as soon as your date is set. 

9/9/17                                Grand Rapids GRAHamfest           Wyoming, MI
9/9/17                                Greater Louisville Hamfest           Sheperdsville, KY
9/10/17                              Findlay                                               Findlay, OH
9/16/17                              Richmond Fall Hamfest                 Richmond, KY
9/17/17                              Adrian                                                Adrian, MI
9/23/17                              GM ARC Trunk Swap                      Shelby Twp, MI
9/23/17                              OHKYIN ARS Hamfest                     Cincinnati, OH
9/24/17                              Cleveland Hamfest                         Berea, OH
9/30/17                              Mich-a-Con & Iron Range             Crystal Falls, MI
9/30/17                              Paintsville Hamfest                         Paintsville, KY
10/7/17                              Cave Run Hamfest                          Moorehead, KY
10/7/17                              Vette City                                          Bowling Green, KY
10/7 & 8                            Great Lakes Div. Convention        Brooklyn, MI
10/7/17                              Scioto Valley                                     Chillicothe OH
10/15/17                            Conneaut Hamfest                         Conneaut, OH
10/21/17                            Muskegon Color Tour                    Muskegon, MI
10/22/17                            Kalamazoo                                        Kalamazoo, MI
10/28/17                            Hazard                                               Hazard, KY
10/29/17                           Massilon                                            Massilon, OH
10/29/17                           USECA                                                Madison Hts, MI
11/4/17                             Grant ARC Hamfest                        Georgetown, OH
12/3/17                             Lanse Creuse                                    Madison Heights, MI

Be sure to check your Section's news pages for the latest local happenings, club and net information.

73, Let's be radio-active.

Dale Williams WA8EFK
Great Lakes Division

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Dale's Tales for August 2017

Greetings everyone, welcome to "Dale's Tales" for August 2017.

Our Great Lakes Division Convention to be held at HamCon this year will be recognizing the
contributions of several hams and radio clubs.  These awards will be presented at the closing ceremony of the GLD HamCon in Brooklyn, MI.  As a Division resident, you have to opportunity to nominate candidates for each of the five categories.

Please take a look at the following award programs.  If you are aware of some deserving individuals who may qualify, please drop me an email with the details.    Several members of the DivisionCabinet will review the nominees to vote on the awardees.  Vice Director Tom Delaney, W8WTD will be chairing the Awards Committee.   Please note: the absolute deadline for all nominees will be August 31, 2017.

GEORGE S. WILSON III W4OYI LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD The Radio Amateur in the Great Lakes Division whose lifetime achievement record merits recognition for outstanding contribution to the Amateur Radio Service.  The nominee is active on the air and in Amateur Radio organizations.  The Wilson recipient is an all-around Amateur whose lifetime activities, attitudes, and achievements might serve as an example to others. At the time of nomination, nominees must have been licensed Radio Amateurs for at least 30 years and be at least 50 years of age.  Emphasis is placed on service to others rather than self, diversity of Amateur Radio interests and Activities, evidence of continuing self-challenge via Amateur Radio, and outstanding contributions to Amateur Radio.  Devotion to Amateur Radio is balanced with attention to work responsibilities and family life.  This award is presented at the discretion of the Awards Committee and Director.  The recipient must be a current ARRL member.

GREAT LAKES DIVISION AMATEUR OF THE YEAR AWARD The Radio Amateur in the Great Lakes Division whose outstanding record in the year preceding nomination merits recognition for contribution to the Amateur Radio Service.  The Amateur of the Year, is an all-around Amateur, whose activities, attitudes and achievements may serve as a guiding example to others.  Devotion to Amateur Radio is balanced with attention to work responsibilities and family life.  The Amateur of the Year exemplifies the "Amateur's Code."  In selecting the award recipient, emphasis is placed on service to others rather than self, diversity of Amateur Radio interest and activities, evidence of continuing self-challenge and outstanding contributions to Amateur Radio.  The recipient must be a current ARRL member.

The Radio Amateur(s) in the Great Lakes Division whose technical excellence exemplifies "continuation of the Amateur's proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art" and whose attitude exemplifies the highest dedication to service to others and to science rather than self.  Particular value will be placed on evidence of continuing contributions to the Amateur Radio Service.  Groups of two or more Amateurs may be nominated for a joint award in this category.
Technical achievement may be demonstrated through activities such as the following: publications, research and development, creativity in hardware, software and firmware systems design and implementation, technical instruction, application of advanced technology to public service communications.  This award is presented at the discretion of the Awards Committee and Director.
The recipient(s) must be a current ARRL member.

The radio amateur(s) in the Great Lakes Division who has dedicated time, talent and service to DXing.  The award is given especially in recognition of an exemplary lifetime DX record.  Recipients are active on the air and in DX Amateur Radio organizations.  The DX achievement recipient is also an all-around Amateur whose lifetime, ethical DX activities, good operating practices and notable achievements of the recipient might be viewed as examples to follow by others.  At the time of nomination, nominees must have been licensed Radio Amateurs for at least 20 years and be at least 50 years of age.  Emphasis is placed on DX totals (Honor Roll, DXCC Challenge, etc), DXpeditions served on, Elmering/Mentoring other DXers plus other outstanding DX related accomplishments. Devotion to Amateur Radio is balanced with attention to work responsibilities, and to civic and family life. This award is presented at the discretion of the Awards Committee and Director.  The
recipient(s) must be a current ARRL member.

Presented to a young radio amateur in the Great Lakes Division, 18 years of age or younger, in recognition of a record of outstanding contributions to the Amateur Radio Service.  This record consists of activities and achievements in Amateur Radio, which may include support of the community through Amateur Radio, ability to recruit fellow students into Amateur Radio, scholastic achievement and extracurricular activities.  The Young Amateur of the Year is enthusiastic and shows potential for leadership and further achievement.  This award is presented at the discretion of the Awards Committee and Director.

CLUB NEWSLETTER AWARD, also to be presented at the GLD HamCon:

JOSEPH J. PHILLIPS, K8QOE, NEWSLETTER AWARD This award will be given to the highest scoring newsletter submitted in Great Lakes Division competition to the newsletter review committee.

Each newsletter for the contest will have been declared newsletter-of-the-year for the Section it represents during the present year; however, when the timing of the Division Convention occurs too early in the year to permit selection of a newsletter for the year, winners for the previous year may be submitted.

An eligible newsletter must be regularly published at least four (4) times per year and be a recognized Amateur Radio organization within their state.

Electronic (or Web based) produced newsletters may also enter. However, they must represent their printed newsletter in all formats. This is to ensure uniformity.
Non-amateurs, in the Public Relations industry will do the judging. They will judge on following criteria:

Style (15%):  This means newsletter design of all pages.
Content (35%):   This is the amount of useful information contained
within the newsletter.
Service to members (35%):   This is the amount of information using
individual member’s names.
Clarity of presentation (15%):   This is the readability of the
newsletter including accuracy of spelling and grammar.

TOM'S COMMENTS:  Comments from our Vice Director Tom Delaney, W8WTD

With the Board of Directors meeting just concluded this month, education is on my mind.  You can read the board minutes soon.  Right now I can tell you that the committee I have been serving on, the Entry Level License Committee, gave its report to the Board in July. While we made some modest proposals for licensing, we spent a lot of time focusing on education of hams in general.  After all, if we want this hobby/service to continue on, we need to keep getting new people into it.  So here's a
question-- if you are concerned about the future of the hobby, what are you doing?

Are you a VE?  Great.  Keep up the good work.  You are part of a vital pathway for others to get into ham radio.

Do you work with Scouts?  Not only is that a great thing to be doing, but it may provide some of the best and brightest hams of the future.

Not every kid will want to be a ham, or course.  But for those that do, you can show them how to build their skills now, in the things they like, and it will help them as they choose career paths.

Do you teach classes?  Your work is valuable.  Make sure you stress the practical, and make sure your students get some hands-on with radios.

You do give them a chance to talk on the radio, don't you?  That "first contact" once they have their license will still be special, but just talking and observing contacts while they are still learning keeps them interested, and helps them know how to go about making contacts once that license is theirs.  People who get licensed and then never get on the air is a situation we don't want to encourage.

Do you help others with radio?  Everyone should try to mentor someone when asked.  It may be as simple as sharing your experience with an antenna, a rig set-up, or maybe more complicated with a whole station layout.  Whatever your level of experience, you probably have some good knowledge to share.  If you're asked, be sure to respond.

There are many other pathways into ham radio.  Some people find themselves in the "Maker" mode.  Others teach in schools, and are very aware of the importance of STEM subjects.  Some people work with the ARISS program.

Whatever you do, be aware that the future of amateur radio depends on all of us.

73, Tom W8WTD Vice Director, Great Lakes Division

HAMFESTING:  Here is the current Great Lakes Division ARRL Sanctioned Hamfest Schedule covering the next few weeks.  These swaps have received their sanctioning approval from ARRL HQ at the time of this publication.

We have approximately 65 ARRL hamfests each year in the Division.  I do encourage each Hamfest Chair to register early for ARRL Sanctioning.  Be sure to invite your ARRL Officials as soon as your date is set. 

This listing has been updated since it was first published..

Aug  5 - Columbus Hamfest - Columbus, OH 
Aug  5 - UP Hamfest - Escanaba, MI 
Aug 12 - Central KY - Lexington, KY 
Aug 12 - Midland Hamfest - Midland, MI 
Aug 13 - Seaway Trunk Swap - Port Huron, MI 
Aug 19 - Thunder Bay ARC Swap - Alpena, MI 
Aug 20 - Warren Tailgate Swap - Cortland, OH 
Aug 27 - Cuyahoga Falls Tailgate Swap - Stow, OH 
Sep  9 - GRAHamfest - Wyoming, MI 
Sep  9 - Greater Louisville Hamfest - Sheperdsville, KY 
Sep 10 - Findlay Hamfest - Findlay, OH 
Sep 16 - Richmond Fall Hamfest - Richmond, KY 
Sep 17 - Adrian Hamfest - Adrian, MI 
Sep 23 - GMARC Trunk swap - Shelby Twp., MI 
Sep 23 - OHKYIN ARS Hamfest - Cincinnati, OH 
Sep 30 - Paintsville Hamfest - Paintsville, KY 
Oct  7 - Vette City Hamfest - Bowling Green, KY 
Oct 7-8- GLD HamCon and Convention - Brooklyn, MI 
Oct 15 - Conneaut ARC Hamfest - Conneaut, OH
Oct 21 - Muskegon Color Tour Hamfest - Muskegon, MI 
Oct 22 - Kalamazoo Hamfest - Kalamazoo, MI 
Oct 28 - Hazard Hamfest - Hazard, KY 
Oct 29 - Massillon Hamfest - Massillon, OH 
Oct 29 - USECA Hamfest - Madison Heights, MI

Be sure to check your Section's news pages for the latest local happenings, club and net information.

73, Let's be radio-active.

Dale Williams WA8EFK

Great Lakes Division